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Shrine secrets
Speed: Every fifth second of the hour
Defense: Every tenth second of the hour
Strength: Every thirty minutes of the hour
Endurance (hit points) : Every hour of the day
Level: Every two hours of the day!
Burnt Food: 11:00 - 12:00 NST
Dubloons: 55 seconds past the minute

If you want your stats raised more than one then you have to go there exactly on the 5th second.

Get the krawk!
To get the krawk you have to have krawk the petpet. Attach it to a pet (make sure you have a pet space open) and name it the desired name. Go to the fungus caves and feed it the fungus and then you will have your full grown krawk!
Hidden Tower
Most everyone knows where it is, but if you dont its on the side of the faerie castle. Move your mouse around until the finger points to an empty space. Then click on that.
Shop Wizard
Be sure to REFRESH! if you use the shop wizard the first prices you get arent always the lowest. so refresh a few times.