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My favorite anime charicter is Sailor Saturn because I look almost exactly like her. I love the manga of Sailor Moon too! (its what got me started on anime!!)
Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?

You are Rinoa! Your relationships with others are important
to you. You like to socialize and have a good time. To some
people you might seem a little shallow, but you really just like
to be happy and make others happy too.

Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!

The reason for this site
I got this site started cuz I thought I could spread my knowledge around and help other ppl who are just getting started.

My Friend!
I'd like to thank one of my best friends Kristin for helping me with alot of my crazy problems. I LOVE YOU!i'm Cherry flavoured!
I'm honeydew bubble tea!
Click here to take the test!

You're 3 Musketeers!
You're kind of plain. Nothing amazing. But hey, that's not always a bad thing.

i'm Jack!

discover what candy you are @ stvlive.com
Jean Grey
I'm Jean Grey
What X-Men Character are You?

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

I am a hip critter. I showed up fasionably late with Super Mario World and have started launching your own career since then. In maybe 10-15 years, my popularity will rival Mario's. Not that I'm competing with him. He's my bud. I'm good at getting and keeping friends, and they value me for that. After all, who else would carry them on their back through ice, fire, and rain? Sometimes I think I'm taken for granted, but I know that my friends have my back. Of course they do. Who would screw over Yoshi?

What Super Mario Bros character are you?

Disney Princesses
Which of the Disney Princesses are you?

i'm a pup.what kinda pet are you?
quiz made by muna.

i'm an eyeshadow. what type of make up are you?
quiz made by muna.
If I had lived 200 years ago, I would have been...
an Inuit!

Living off the land in the Arctic Circle, these nature-loving folk are practical and use every scrap of the animals they hunt. Though they are more commonly called the Eskimo, they prefer Inuit, which means "The Real People".

Like them, you are respectful of nature and very resourceful. Your art has its own very distinct style which can be recognized at a flash.

~ TAZL.com ~ Take Quiz ~

What is YOUR Highschool label?
I am 50% Happy!
take the "How Happy Are You?" test at Unparalleled!
I'm a Circle!
take the "Geometric Figure" test at Unparalleled!

Strawberry: 0/100 Pear: 40/100 Banana: 50/100 Tomato: 25/100 Lemon: 20/100

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by Ellen and Aaron!
Which PPG are you?

what's your battle cry? | mewing.net | merchandise!

Email Me!

You can go here to find cute stuff for you shop!